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Product Description

Glutamine Powder by Grenade

Get your hands on a unique and revolutionary supplement that will not only enhance muscle building but also boost the immune system, something that is very rare and hard to find!

If you are an athlete or a fitness expert, you are missing out greatly if you haven’t got your hands on this Grenade Glutamine 250g that is one of the most talked-about recovery supplements in the town.

Each serving containing 5g of L-Glutamine, this power-packed amino acid supplement will make an ideal post-workout drink. Produced via the fermentation process, this high-quality Grenade L-Glutamine will improve your muscle mass, intestinal health as well as your immune system. 

grenade glutamine 250g ingredients label Whey_Okay

The Benefits:

  • No of Servings: 50 
  • Amount per serving’: 5g per serving 
  • Boosts immune system 
  • High-quality amino acid supplement 
  • Improves intestinal health 

At WheyOkay we are highly committed to our customers, we stand beside our products and our ultimate goal is to satisfy every customers needs, from the moment you purchase our products to the fitness goals you will achieve.


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Grenade Glutamine 250g

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Product Code 5060221201513