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Product Description

Total War Pre Workout 400g By Redcon1

Redcon1 Total War can be taken by man and women. When you take Total War pre-workout you can expect to have incredible energy and super pumps throughout your workout and not crash.

Total War is full of ingredients backed by science and that have an efficacious clinical dosage of all of them. The list starts with 6 grams of citrulline malate which gives great pumps in the gym.
You can tell the difference between a pre-workout that's underdosed or that's clinically dosed. A lot of pre-workouts
use for proprietary blends which is a no-no for Redcon1 and for any athlete who takes the supplements. As you can see on Total War's label you know exactly what is in this product dose by dose. 
Redcon1 pre-workout also has beta-alanine which is clinically dosed at 3.2 grams. Beta-alanine removes lactic acid from the muscle and gives you more endurance so between these two ingredients you get
great pumps and you get great endurance in the gym. We also have 1 gram of agmatine sulfate which gives you incredible pumps. 1 gram of taurine gives you mental energy and gets you ready mentally for the gym 

Redcon1 Total War is a stimulant pre-workout with 250 milligrams of caffeine but also has 50 milligrams of Theobromine which is naturally occurring from coffee. Eria Jarensis is one of the new very exciting stimulants that Total War has. Put all this together with 10 mg of Bioperine which is black pepper extract and allows the body to digest and utilize all these ingredients more effectively so it also makes the pre-workout last longer.

One of the big things that people say about pre-workouts even good ones is that they have a big crash, the energy only lasts 45 minutes, and then it falls off... well this one has a pretty dramatic spike but then kind of tails off so you have a good hour and a half and you never really feel like that huge crash. 

Redcon 1 Total War ingredients are very synergetic so when you put them together in the formula you're gonna notice something really special.

Total War - get it now at

Redcon1 Total War ingredients label Whey Okay UK

Key Benefits:

  • Amazing pumps and energy
  • Supports fat burning
  • Increases concentration

At WheyOkay we are highly committed to our customers, we stand beside our products and our ultimate goal is to satisfy every customers needs, from the moment you purchase our products to the fitness goals you will achieve.



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Redcon1 Total War 400g

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